In the book of Genesis God declares, “It is not good for Man
to be alone. (The word “Man” refers to any
human being.) “I will create an ezer k’negdo for the Man.”
What is an ezer k’negdo?
The Hebrew word ezer means helper and the word k’negdo means someone
opposite who can stand against you. The
Rabbis teach us this person will be a stranger, a deep intimate, a friendly
antagonist, a lover who challenges you. This
is someone who gets in your face, to kiss you, to argue with you, to scream at
you, to support you, to wrestle with you, to tell you when you are wrong and to
forgive you again and again.
An ezer k’negdo can be a man or a woman. An ezer k’negdo
tells you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. And has your back whether you are right or
wrong. This person can be sweet, loving
and caring. She or he can be forgetful, aggravating,
exasperating and annoying. Sometimes
they will have room in their heads to listen and care, sometimes not. But the ezer k’negdo will not stop loving you. The ezer k’negdo knows you the way others do
not and cannot. The ezer k’negdo gets
There’s a great quote from the film, Shall We Dance:
We need a witness to our lives. There’s a billion people on
the planet, what does any one life really mean?
But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible
things, the mundane things, all of it, all of the time, every day. You’re saying, “Your life will not go
unnoticed because I will notice it. Your
life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness.”
I am lucky to have married my ezer k’negdo and I have tried
to be precisely that for her. Sometimes
I succeed, sometimes I fail, and sometimes I say, “I’m sorry.”
I wish for you an
ezer k’negdo who will keep you sane and honest.
When you have a day when no one seems to get you and you can’t even get
yourself, she will be there to catch you before you fall. And you will make room in your head and heart
to listen to her. You will listen to her
talk about her happy good days. And you
will wipe away her tears on her sad or bad days, as you listen to her talk
about her fears.
The Biblical Text is right:
It is not good for Man to be alone.”