Why is there religion and where did it come from? The world’s religions did not drop down from the sky. Religions were invented by human beings because they responded to certain vital questions and experiences.
Since human creatures have been wandering on the earth, they have wondered how did we get here, what are we doing here, how shall we live our lives, is there a God or gods, is there life after life? Great spiritual minds wrestled with these questions.
These great minds had faith they had received certain true revelations from the beyond in the here and now. They came to believe the invisible is more important than the visible. That what does not meet the eye is greater than what meets the eye. And if you believe you will see the truth.
Stories, rituals, holy people came to articulate the revealed truths. And from there, religions, scriptures, liturgies, creeds and traditions developed.
What and if God had anything to do with all of this is hard to say. Each of us within our respective religions believe our revelation has the truth or at least a proper glimpse of the truth.
Religions are fine but they are not necessarily divine. If anything, the major religions of the world may be a glimpse of the truth. But there is so much extraneous material in each religion, it’s difficult to figure out what is true and what is not.
The religious questions which began all this are still with us. How and if God interacts with these different religious traditions and believers is impossible to say.
Let’s all then be humble and honest about what we trust and remember we could be wrong. Another religious tradition may be right. Since our religious knowledge is tentative at best, believe what you want to believe, defend it to the hilt, but respectfully disagree with those who differ. This seems the better part of wisdom.