Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty: “It tells us that
there is a fuzziness in nature, a fundamental limit to what we can know about
the behavior of quantum particles and, therefore, the smallest scales of
nature.” It seems craziness and uncertainty
are built into the nature of nature and the nature of human nature.
We ought not be surprised to read this since we experience it
in our lives all the time. People are
well; people get sick. We get into our
cars uncertain whether we will have an accident; we may feel well this morning
but we wonder how long that will last; we make decisions every day but are not sure
they are right; the stock market goes up and it goes down without any certainty
as to what it will do tomorrow; Mr. Trump remains Mr. Trump, unpredictable,
alarming, obnoxious, and we are uncertain what he will do next, we have faith
in God or we do not and we wonder if we could be wrong. Of what can we be certain? Is anyone or anything in control? “Is anyone
driving the bus?”
Let’s just admit: Life
is a convoluted uncertain mixture of order and chaos. And for good or for bad, we are compelled to
live in this vortex. Our religious faith
does not exempt us from walking through the good and the bad. Our faith teaches us how to persevere and survive
both the order and the chaos of life. Stay sane out there.
Loved this! Merry Christmas to you and your family :)