Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mansplaining and Teaching Religion?

My wife tells me that I have a problem called mansplaining.  She says I explain things to her that do not require explaining and I sometimes do so in a condescending and patronizing manner.   Since she is quite honest and usually right, I am asking myself where I might have acquired this ailment.  Do all men have this problem or only male Religion professors and teachers?

Some have explained mansplaining as a combination of over confidence and misjudgment over what someone else (usually a woman) knows and does not know. 

I was not aware of my mansplaining, and I suppose it means I too easily and arrogantly assume I have knowledge which no one else possesses.  Or, the more likely, as a teacher, I am used to repeating myself since some students tend to forget and the exam is on Monday.

So, I hereby apologize to my wife for mansplaining and promise to be more aware and do better. 

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