The mystery and the necessity of God is a puzzlement that will never go away. There is something inside us that needs to worship or believe in something outside us to remain sane. Even those who do not believe in a God find that they have to defend to themselves if not to others, why they do not believe. So, why do people believe in God or Gods or Religion? First, it is a matter of control and sanity. We live in a world that is and seems terribly random. Everyday things happen to us and within us that seem completely without meaning. Some of these things can be nice and happy things; others can be difficult and painful, still others could be aggravating and exasperating. Do any of these things that happen to us matter? The contingency and absurdity of these events would seem less crazy if we thought and trusted that somehow there is a purposeful God at heart of the universe that is for us and not against us. This God could be a force, an energy, a personal God, or a law of nature. In any event meaning is vital to keeping us sane.
Even if a person says there is no God and no force, that it is all in our minds, that we invented God and have forgotten that we did so, this person has to meet the day and stay sane. So, suppose, when something bad happens, this person says, ‘That’s life! Even that saying is an explanation that he or she believes in, that life is like that. That is the meaning, that is the God. A person trusts that life is like that and this explanation provides all the meaning that is needed to meet the day.
By the way, any God worth his, her or its salt is not worried about whether you or I believe their existance. If the Biblical stories are true, God is more interested in our caring for the neighbor in pain and living a humane life. The rest is just commentary.
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