Friday, December 8, 2017

Hanukah and Christmas

The word Hanukah means rededication.   In 165 B.C.E. the Maccabees were able to recapture and rededicate the temple in Jerusalem.  There was not enough oil to light the temple candles but for one night. The candles resisted the darkness and stayed lit for eight nights.

Hanukah is a holiday of lights that proclaims the darkness will not last forever.  Christians too are approaching their holiday of lights and their belief in Jesus, the light that overcomes the darkness.

For all their differences both Jewish and Christian traditions know about the reality of evil.  They know despite over two thousand years of Hanukah and Christmas celebrations, evil has not been defeated and seems to be doing quite well. The lighting of Hanukah candles and Christmas trees is very nice but insufficient.

Over two thousand years ago, the Maccabees were the Maccabees because they were not indifferent.  Jesus was Jesus because he resisted the darkness. 

Let us light our lights, Jews and Christians, and recommit ourselves to do what we can do to resist, to resist and to resist again the power of the darkness, in ourselves and wherever we live. 

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